UNIT 308
Of The NVQ 2356-99
Inspect, Test and Commission an Electrical Installation
On this page we walk you through everything you need to know to get started – and complete – Unit 308 of your NVQ 2356-99.
What are the ‘Performance Objectives’?
The performance objectives are the criteria of the Electrical NVQ 3 which you are being assessed against. In order to successfully achieve this NVQ, you must meet the performance objective of EVERY unit.
How do I meet the performance objective of every unit of this NVQ?
You will simply describe HOW you carried out your duties, WHAT you did and how they related to EACH performance objective. You need to be specific and relate the duties you carried out to the performance objective. You will also need to support this with appropriate photo/video evidence to support your Site Diary/Logbook.
What is Unit 308 wanting me to demonstrate?
This unit – Inspect, test and commission an electrical installation – is about you about carrying out the process of inspecting, testing and commissioning electrical installations in a safe manner and in the correct sequence as prescribed by the IEE wiring regulations as specified in the British Standard for Electrical Installations.
You must demonstrate that you have an understanding of how to commission an electrical installation bearing in mind the constraints imposed by legislation and regulations, how to select and use the appropriate testing equipment and the importance of keeping good records of the procedures and results.
See an overview of this units performance objectives and examples of evidence below.
You personally need to be in as many photos / videos as possible.
Make Completing Your NVQ 2356-99 Quicker And Easier…
Your assessor can carry out a direct observation of you without the need to physically visit your site. Find out more…
Your assessor will help to build your portfolio for you using the information you provide. Find out more…
Still Have Questions About Your NVQ Level 3 Electrical?
Whether it's about your previous experience and qualifications in the industry, the difference between the NVQ 2356, 2346, 2347 or 2357, or you're unsure whether the on-site or online path may be best for you, then please do get in touch. We'd be happy to help if we can.
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